Jessica Jackson Hutchins: Wrecked and Righteous

Recommended Don't Miss
Every Wednesday–Sunday, through May 5
Frye Art Museum First Hill (Seattle)
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If you're already familiar with the Portland art scene, you've likely heard the name "Jessica Jackson Hutchins" float around. Jackson Hutchins's tactile works transform everyday objects into art forms that are both intimately familiar and reverently heightened, and her ambitious, raw, playful style, which runs the gamut from massive sculptural installations to clothing pieces, is easily recognizable. The artist often employs castoff household objects to create her earth-toned, figurative, and vessel-like forms; in 2016, her process expanded to include collage-like window pieces in fused glass, some of which you'll see in Jessica Jackson Hutchins: Wrecked and Righteous. The exhibition surveys the last 30-ish years of her career in a nonchronological presentation of furniture pieces, relief paintings, and more, plus "wearable food vessels" that will be activated during a special performance.

by Lindsay Costello

This event is recommended by The Stranger, our sister site. See more of their picks here!

Event Location

Frye Art Museum

704 Terry Ave Seattle, WA 98104 Venue website

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