Hernmarck Tapestries at Hudson Yards: Screening and Q&A

Tuesday, May 28, 11 am–12 pm
This is an online event · National Nordic Museum
$0 - $5
All Ages
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Join us for a virtual screening of Hernmarck Tapestries at Hudson Yards (20min), which discusses tapestry artist Helena Hernmarck's latest commission: two sets of monumental tapestries for a residential lobby at 35 Hudson Yards in New York City! The artist will join us for a Q&A following the screening.

About the film: 
This film presents tapestry artist Helena Hernmarck’s latest major commission: two sets of monumental tapestries for a residential lobby at 35 Hudson Yards in New York City. It showcases Helena’s ongoing collaboration with weavers and spinners in Sweden, as well as the complex design and installation requirements for this unique commission. Above all, it highlights the ongoing relevance of tapestry as an art form in contemporary architectural settings.

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National Nordic Museum

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