
Recommended Don't Miss
Saturday, April 27, 7 pm
Hollywood Theatre Hollywood District (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$10 - $12
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The original popular girls—Rose McGowan, Rebecca Gayheart, and Julie Benz—maaaay have sorta kinda killed their best friend on her birthday. Their new "replacement" friend is a little unhinged, and a detective (played by Pam Grier!) is on their case. If Jawbreaker sounds like a truly perfect mixture of The Craft and Mean Girls, you'd be right. Local humorists Elizabeth Teets and Anthony Hudson will host this screening of queer filmmaker Darren Stein's '99 flick, which will open with stand-up from Portland's own Julia Corral.
by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Hollywood Theatre

4122 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97212 Venue website

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