Taylor Acorn: Good Enough Tour

Tuesday, April 30, 8 pm
Polaris Hall Humboldt (Portland)
This is an in-person event
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Growing up in the early 90’s & 2000’s pop punk/ pop rock scene, for Taylor Acorn it was never a phase. Hailing from the small North Central Pennsylvania town of Wellsboro, Taylor had always dreamed of a career in music and in 2014, dropped out of Kutztown University to pursue just that, setting her sights for Nashville in 2017.

With her infectiously relatable releases of “Do That Again”, “In My Head” and “Shapeshifting”, Taylor is now leaving her own footprint in the pop punk community

giving her fans a place to feel safe and to feel heard, by tackling tough subjects such as mental health by sharing her own personal struggles. She wants to give her listeners a space where they can feel free and vulnerable, a place where healing is accepted no matter who you are or where you’ve come from.

Event Location

Polaris Hall

635 N Killingsworth Court Portland, Oregon 97217 Venue website

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