Burgeoning: A Ritual Concert in Honor of Beltane

Friday, May 3, 7–9 pm
First Congregational Church Southwest Portland (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$25 - $35
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Join celebrated musician, ritualist, poet, and wisdom teacher Maitreya Wolf for an unforgettable evening that will light your heart, touch your soul, and nourish your spirit with beauty and enchantment in this quickening time of the year.

Weaving soul-enlivening vocals and deft instrumentation with evocative poetry and illuminating story in a gentle group ritual process, we will honor the ancient Celtic Pagan holy day of Beltane together as a gift to life and an honoring of the profound beauty of the natural world and our place within it.

Maitreya Wolf is a wild luminary with many talents who brings people to places of deep communion with Life, soul, and earth so that they can step more fully into their radiance, power, and purpose as beings, and live in service to the awakening, liberation, and healing of the world with joy, power, and wisdom.

Listen to the music here:
Fertile Darkness Album


Event Location

First Congregational Church

1126 SW Park Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Venue website

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