To know what we say we know

Recommended Don't Miss
Multiple dates between June 1 - June 30, various times
Well Well Kenton (Portland)
This is an in-person event
All Ages
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

To know what we say we know
a solo exhibition by Alyson Provax
at Well Well Projects, 8371 N Interstate Ave #1, Portland OR 97217
Opening Reception June 1, 2024, 5-8pm
Then open Saturdays and Sundays 12-5pm and by appointment

To know what we say we know is a collection of new letterpress works by Alyson Provax on display at Well Well Projects in June. In this body of work she has focused on the limitations of language to express our individual perceptions, and the way that this affects connection between us. She feels that your view of the world is fixed within yourself, and that the truest experiences of your life will happen completely within your own body and so you will struggle to communicate the totality.

Provax’s works reference concrete poetry, spoken language, and diaries. She uses repetition as a drawing tool rather than to make multiple originals, which calls into question the didactic certainty of text and can cause the viewer to notice the experience of reading.

This exhibition is funded in part by the Regional Arts and Culture Council.

Event Location

Well Well

8371 N Interstate Ave #1 Portland, OR 97217 Venue website

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