Mosh Pit - Heavy Metal Comedy

Saturday, April 27, 8:30–9:30 pm
Kickstand Comedy Ladd's Addition (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$10 - $15
All Ages
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Get ready to bang your head for the resurrection of the show that celebrates the unholy marriage of COMEDY and HEAVY METAL!

People of Portland... this is MOSH PIT!!!

Featuring performances by:

Heavy metal improv from Death Hammer (SF Sketchfest, Out of Bounds Comedy Festival)

And a live episode of the "What's More Metal?" podcast with Nariko Ott (Portland's Funniest Person 2016) and Dan Weber (Reading the Bible with Dan).

Standup, improv, and METAL? You won't want to miss this, so... GET IN THE PIT!!!

WHEN: Saturday April 27th // Doors at 8pm // Show at 8:30pm
WHERE: Kickstand Comedy, 1006 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214
TICKETS: $15 // Sliding Scale and PWYW available

**Kickstand Comedy strives to eliminate barriers from comedy - a portion of seats at every Kickstand show are pay-what-you-want at the door.

  • LGBTQIA+ Friendly
  • ADA Friendly
  • Hot Comedy
  • Snacks + Bevs
  • All ages (but features adult content)

Event Location

Kickstand Comedy

1006 SE Hawthorne Blvd Portland, Oregon 97214 Venue website

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