Two Dykes and a Mic - Topping Your Best Friend Tour

Recommended Don't Miss
Friday, May 31, 8 pm
Aladdin Theater Brooklyn (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$35 - $55
All Ages
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

“Two Dykes and a Mic” is a weekly comedy podcast and internationally touring live show. Comedians and IRL BFFs McKenzie Goodwin and Rachel Scanlon host the world’s greatest and gayest show of all time. Get your nose ready, because you’re about to snort queer joy and laugh your gay cans off.

Hosts Rachel Scanlon and McKenzie Goodwin keep listeners up to date with “Gay News”, relationship advice with “Ask a Dyke”, dating horror stories with weekly “Bumble Fumbles”, fan favorite segments like “What’s Gayer” and “Who Tops Who” and more! 

Individual Bios:

McKenzie Goodwin is an LA based comedian and writer. She’s been described as the “Norah Jones of comedy” due to her low energy, soft voice and repertoire of material that slaps HARD. Yes, she’s gay… stop asking.

Rachel Scanlon is a stand up comedian from Minnesota. Ray has performed all over the country and legend has it, is the best comedian to ever live. You’ve seen Ray on Don't Tell Comedy, JFL’s Straight Up Stand Up, and Comedy Central. Buckle up, this comedian is high energy, gay asf, and your new comedy crush!


Event Location

Aladdin Theater

3017 SE Milwaukie Portland, OR 97202 Venue website

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