Blessings Movie Night: Son of the White Mare with Live Score

Recommended Don't Miss
Thursday, April 25, 7 pm
Clinton Street Theater Hosford-Abernethy (Portland)
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If you're interested in a dark night of the soul, I suggest you pop an edible and head to this free screening of Son of the White Mare, a dreamlike, mythical quest to the underworld. The film is a psychedelic swirl of Hungarian folklore and Freudian freakishness (for starters, the hero breastfeeds for 14 years), and its anxiety-tinged plot "unfolds like artwork etched into a cave wall...brought to restless life by an unclassifiable spell that only cinema can muster," according to Indiewire. Whoa. Portland visual artist Eatcho curated this month’s Blessings Movie Night, which will feature an original live score by local musicians.

by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Clinton Street Theater

2522 S.E. Clinton St. Portland, OR 97202

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