Kickstand Comedy Presents: Improvised "Love is Blind"

Friday, April 26, 7–8:15 pm
Kickstand Comedy Ladd's Addition (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$10 - $15
All Ages
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If you prefer your dating shows in a weird, dystopian, pod-contained format, you're probably a fan of Love Is Blind, and perhaps suffering from withdrawal since the Netflix show is done for the season. Kickstand has your back—a team of improvisers will head into the pods to try and find love connections without seeing each other. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that no love connections will be found, but you'll likely experience plenty of laughter.

by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Kickstand Comedy

1006 SE Hawthorne Blvd Portland, Oregon 97214 Venue website

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