The Brass, United Defiance, Dead Friends, and No Red Flags

Saturday, April 27, 8:30–11:45 pm
The Midnight PDX + The Sïx Sunnyside (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$10 - $12
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

The Brass play a unique brand of melodic punk rock infused with a little hardcore flavor that combines their strong songwriting and musicianship with a deeper sense of social and political awareness.

Untied Defiance is a 5-piece punk rock band from the. San Francisco Bay Area that plays a mix of skate punk and melodic hardcore inspired by the. iconic bands of 90's

Dead Friends Hardcore/Punk band from Portland, Oregon.

No Red Flags are a band of three brothers based in Portland, Oregon that play a ripping style of fast paced punk rock with cheeky lyrics and shredding bass and guitar licks that you don't want to miss!!

Event Location

The Midnight PDX + The Sïx

3341 SE Belmont Portland, OR 97214 Venue website

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