Kara Jackson

Recommended Don't Miss
Sunday, May 5, 8 pm
Mississippi Studios Boise (Portland)
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Kara Jackson is an award-winning poet, singer-songwriter, and producer from Oak Park, Illinois (Chicago). She is the 2019 National Youth Poet Laureate, and Youth Poet Laureate of Chicago (2018). Kara released her debut album Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love? in April 2023. Kara is also the author of the poetry book Bloodstone Cowboy. Kara's music and writing are inspired by the American South and her experiences growing up in Chicago. Kara's album has garnered support from the likes of Pitchfork, NPR, CRACK Magazine, Rolling Stone, The Needle Drop, Pigeons & Planes and more.

Event Location

Mississippi Studios

3939 N Mississippi Portland, OR 97227 Venue website

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