Rip City Comedy Fest presents: Leave Your Troubles at The Door

Recommended Don't Miss
Friday, May 3, 10 pm
Funhouse Lounge Hosford-Abernethy (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$15 - $20
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Leave Your Troubles at The Door is a completely improvised stand-up comedy showcase where the audience's problems are the topics of the jokes on stage. Audience members write their problems / troubles down on pieces of paper, put them in a box before the show and then many of the best comedians from the Pacific Northwest and beyond take on those issues with their on-the-spot jokes. 

It's a rare comedy show where instead of the comedian joking about their problems, they joke about yours! (You can stay completely anonymous, too.) You're more than likely to walk away from the show feeling at least slightly better about your problems. Just leave 'em at the door.

Join us for a VERY special Rip City Comedy Festival edition! Featuring Emma Dalenberg, Alyssa Sabo, Eitan Levine, Ibhan Kulkarni, Aaron Bell and a SECRET FESTIVAL HEADLINER! Hosted by Chris Hudson. This is an ages 21+ show.


Event Location

Funhouse Lounge

2432 SE 11th Portland, Oregon 97214 Venue website

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