Run Like the Wind Running Festival

Sunday, April 28, 9:30 am
This is an in-person event
$35 - $60
All Ages
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Gorgeous and challenging courses on the trails on the wind farm. Run next to majestic wind turbines. Lots of wildflowers and most likely wildlife too. Free tours inside the turbines, real food (chili and cornbread), beers from IronHorse Brewery, free massages, live music, very cool wood finisher’s medals, fully supported courses with lots of food and drink at each aid station. Drop dead gorgeous views and unique environment for a run. Benefits Kittitas County Search and Rescue.

Event Location

Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center

25905 Vantage Hwy Ellensburg, WA 98926 Venue website

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