Fun Intended Pun Slam

Friday, April 26, 9 pm
Rendezvous Belltown (Seattle)
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

Upper Left Comedy Festival 2024 is bringing three days of live comedy events to Seattle’s Belltown neighborhood, April 25-27th. Get ready to twist your tongue and bend your brain with Fun Intended Pun Slam! This unique show combines wordplay competition with comedy for a hilarious and entertaining experience. Dive into a world of puns, acronyms, and idioms as contestants battle it out to become the coveted ChampPun. With just 8 lucky audience members chosen to compete as Intenders, the stakes are high and the laughs are guaranteed. But fear not, dear audience, for you hold the power to decide the winner through cheers and applause, with our trusty decibel reader ensuring we capture all of your awes. Whether you're a wordsmith ready to play or simply here to enjoy the spectacle, expect a mix of fun, silliness, wit, and charm! Mature (and immature) content likely. Between rounds, comedians keep the laughter flowing with their quick wit and hilarious banter. So join us for an evening of wordplay, laughter, and endless entertainment. After all, laughter is the best medicine, so why not indulge in a healthy dose? Featuring fest comedians:

Forest Ember
Emma Jonas
Juno Men

Event Location


2322 Second Ave Seattle, WA 98121 Venue website

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