
Recommended Don't Miss
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Multiple dates through November 5, 2023, various times
Paramount Theatre Downtown Seattle (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$40 - $175

Greek mythology, but make it oppressive and apocalyptic. This Tony-winning musical by singer-songwriter Anaïs Mitchell and acclaimed director Rachel Chavkin draws from the mythos of Orpheus, Eurydice, King Hades, and Persephone to construct one hell-raiser of a musical. Set within a dystopian landscape of climate anxiety and poverty (hashtag relatable), Eurydice toils away in a bummer industrial setting while Orpheus plans their escape. According to the Seattle Times, the production "makes a strong argument for how art can change the world," so check it out if you need a breather from your own daily grind.

by Lindsay Costello
Use code "EURYDICE" for early access.

Tickets go on sale to the public on Tuesday, August 8 at 10 am.


Event Location

Paramount Theatre

911 Pine St Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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