Aparna Nancherla: The Unreliable Narrator Book Tour Featuring Mostly Standup

This event is in the past
Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 7 pm
Washington Hall Squire Park (Seattle)
This is an in-person event

The following description comes from the event organizer.

Despite being shy and modest (her actual words), Aparna Nancherla has a lot to say. So much so that she wrote a whole dang book about how shy and modest she is. But that wasn't enough for her. Oh no no no. When asked to do a book tour, she said, "Actually, what if I just do standup? And sort of throw books at people as they're trying to leave?" And honestly, all her stuffed animals agents got so excited about it they threw a bunch of papers in the air like at NASA when the rocket is safe. And so, here it is. A book tour featuring mostly standup.


Event Location

Washington Hall

153 14th Ave Seattle, WA 98122 Venue website

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