Seattle Queer Film Festival

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This event is in the past
Every day, through October 29
This is an in-person event
Passes $50-275

A loud-and-proud voice in the Seattle film scene since '96, the Seattle Queer Film Festival is now presented in a hybrid format, blasting an expansive range of queer stories onto big screens (and your computer screen, if that's your preference). I'm pumped for 18 days of queer magic, with in-person screenings planned October 1222 and virtual screenings October 2229, plus buzzy parties, live podcasting, filmmaker panels, and workshops. This year's festival theme, "Queer Joy is Cinematic," will bring the ebullience with 50 programs and over 80 films at Northwest Film Forum, Broadway Performance Hall, SIFF Cinema Egyptian, and Ark Lodge Cinema.

by Lindsay Costello
October 12-22 (in-person) and October 22-29 (virtual)


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