Will Rawls: [siccer]

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Every day, through September 30, 8 pm
On the Boards Uptown (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$20 - $29

You might've caught Will Rawls's work recently—the New York-based artist has popped up with installations and exhibitions at Adams and Ollman in Portland and the Henry Art Gallery over the last few years. As a choreographer, performance artist, curator, and writer, Rawls's work is wide-reaching, and [siccer] is no exception. It's part-live performance, part-stop-motion animation, and its title references the Latin adverb sic (which is typically used in brackets to denote an “error” when quoting someone, underscoring the perceived inaccuracy of their speech). To Rawls, "[sic] is a useful metaphor for how the language and gestures of Black bodies are captured, quoted or misquoted, and circulated to appear strange in various media." As a writer, I'm excited to see how Rawls interrogates the limits of citation.

by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

On the Boards

100 W Roy St Seattle, WA 98119 Venue website

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