Love & Loss

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This event is in the past
Multiple dates through November 12, 2023, various times
McCaw Hall Uptown (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$5 - $210

Pacific Northwest Ballet's latest trio of works showcases productions devised by the company's New Works Initiative. This performance includes social justice-informed modern dance choreographer Donald Byrd's Love and Loss, which premiered in 2019, alongside Alexei Ratmansky’s tribute to his homeland of Ukraine, Wartime Elegy, and Australian choreographer (and new artistic director of Oregon Ballet Theatre) Danielle Rowe's world premiere of The Window

by Lindsay Costello
About Pay What You Can at PNB: A limited number of tickets are set aside for each Thursday evening performance at PNB for patrons to pay what they can afford to see the ballet. Seats are available on a first come, first served basis with a minimum donation of $5 per person. Tickets must be purchased at the McCaw Hall Box Office on the Thursday you are attending – the McCaw Hall Box Office opens 90 minutes prior to show time.

Event Location

McCaw Hall

321 Mercer St Seattle, WA 98109 Venue website

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