A Tale of Peter Rabbit

Recommended Don't Miss
Every day, through May 12
Seattle Children's Theatre Uptown (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$35 - $63
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I recently attended a children's opera production of The Snowy Day, and since then, I've been a kid's theater convert. There are several solid reasons for this: Kids shows are shorter, for starters; they're also colorful and designed to keep your attention. (ADHD, anyone?) Also, there are plenty of adults in the audience. You won't look like a weirdo. If I've convinced you, head to this modern twist on a classic Potter tale (tail?), which attempts to answer a good question. What does it mean to be a good bunny? by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Seattle Children's Theatre

201 Thomas St Seattle, WA 98109 Venue website

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