Sauna is Life: Sauna Culture in Finland

Recommended Don't Miss
Every day, through April 24, 9 am–5 pm
Nordic Northwest Metzger (Portland)
This is an in-person event
All Ages
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Sauna: It's more than just getting really hot in a towel next to some strangers. The practice is actually on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List, an inventory I never knew existed until this moment. Makes sense, though—the earliest versions of sauna date back to 7000 BCE, and the traditional Finnish practice embodies sacred connection, peace, and a shame-free, natural "bareness" that's rarely permitted in daily life. This exhibition will be presented in collaboration with the Finlandia Foundation National for Sauna is Life. (Interested in Finnish culture and chilling out? Treat yourself to a Löyly trip.) by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Nordic Northwest

8800 SW Oleson Rd. Portland, OR 98223 Venue website

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